Luckily though we haven’t moved too far, we’ll be providing
our hair replacement services at the Advanced Appearance premises, our partner
company just two doors up. Advanced Appearance offer hair loss solutions
specifically for men, and whilst we’ll continue to help women experiencing hair
loss, restoring their identity and confidence, the new move will afford Pink
Hair great opportunities to improve our customer care.
The bigger premises, located upstairs from the Advanced
Appearance floor, will allow us to provide more confidential consultations with
our customers and improve our hair replacement and private styling services. All
our expert team will be moving and we’ll still offer all of the same services,
including stock and custom made hair replacement solutions, NHS referrals,
headwear, lingerie and microscopy.
We can’t wait to show you our new shop front, which should
appear over the weekend - we'll post some photos for you as soon as we can! It
means that it’s business as usual for us, so don’t worry if you have an
appointment booked.
Our new address is:
86-88 Hawthorn Road
B44 8QP
We look forward to your visit. If you have any questions or
would like to book an appointment with our friendly team, please call us on 0121
350 3826 or contact
us here and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.